martes, 19 de marzo de 2024


(This text is part of Chapter 2 of my book: "Past Life Therapy, Manual and Certification for Therapists").


 Reincarnation is the concept that a person's consciousness or soul can be reborn in different bodies, times and places, throughout successive existences. Reincarnation implies that life is not limited to a single opportunity, but is a continuous process of learning, evolution and improvement. Reincarnation also implies that death is not the end, but a transition, another stage in the journey of the soul.


Reincarnation is an idea that has been present in many cultures, religions and philosophies throughout human history. However, not all conceptions of reincarnation are the same, nor is all evidence of reincarnation accepted by all. In this chapter, we will explore some of the main sources of information and argumentation on reincarnation, from different philosophical, religious and scientific perspectives. We will also discuss some of the benefits and challenges that reincarnation poses for the understanding of life, death and human destiny.




Reincarnation has been advocated by many philosophers of different times and places as a way of explaining the nature and purpose of human existence. Some of the philosophical arguments in favor of reincarnation are:


- The argument from justice: this argument holds that reincarnation is necessary to ensure divine justice, as it allows each person to receive the consequences of his or her actions, good or bad, in this or other lives. Reincarnation also allows each person to have the opportunity to repair his mistakes, to settle his karmic debts and to progress in his moral and spiritual development.


- The diversity argument: This argument holds that reincarnation is necessary to explain the diversity of conditions, capacities, talents and destinies of people, which cannot be attributed to chance, determinism or the will of God. Reincarnation allows each person to have a unique history, a specific mission and a personalized life plan, which is tailored to his or her needs, interests and goals.


- The preservation argument: This argument holds that reincarnation is necessary to preserve memory, identity and continuity of consciousness, which cannot be destroyed by physical death. Reincarnation allows each person to retain and retrieve the memories, knowledge, experiences and lessons of their past lives, which enrich and guide their present life.




Reincarnation has been part of the doctrine or tradition of many religions, both Eastern and Western, as a way of understanding the relationship between human beings, God and the universe. Some of the religious evidences of reincarnation are:


- Sacred texts: many sacred texts of different religions contain explicit or implicit references to reincarnation, as a reality or a possibility for the human soul. Some examples of these texts are: the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutra, the Dhammapada, the Majjhima Nikaya, the Bardo Thodol, the Zohar, the Quran, the Gospel of John, the Gospel of Thomas, the Apocalypse, etc.


- The testimonies of the Masters: Many spiritual masters of different religions have affirmed or suggested that reincarnation is a truth or a teaching for their followers, as a way to enlighten, guide and motivate their disciples. Some examples of these teachers are: Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tse, Confucius, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, Rumi, Kabir, Nanak, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Yogananda, Sai Baba, Dalai Lama, etc.


- Spiritual practices: Many spiritual practices of different religions have as an objective or as a result the access, recovery or liberation of past life memories, as a way to heal, understand or transcend the cycle of reincarnation. Some examples of these practices are: meditation, prayer, fasting, asceticism, ecstasy, channeling, etc.


These are just some of the religious evidences that support the idea of reincarnation, but there are many more that can be found in the beliefs, rites, symbols and myths of religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Baha'ism, Spiritualism, Theosophy, etc.




Reincarnation has been the subject of study and research by some scientists, both from the natural and social sciences, as a way of exploring the nature and scope of human consciousness. Some of the scientific evidences of reincarnation are:


- The cases of spontaneous memories: these cases consist of people, especially children, who remember details of their past lives, without having been induced or suggested by anyone. These memories are usually verifiable, coherent and specific, and are often accompanied by birthmarks, phobias, talents or affinities related to their past lives. These cases have been documented and analyzed by researchers such as Ian Stevenson, Jim Tucker, Erlendur Haraldsson, etc.


- Cases of induced regressions: These cases consist of people who remember their past lives under the effect of some induction method, such as hypnosis, relaxation, meditation, etc. These memories are usually more profound, emotional and therapeutic than spontaneous ones, and can also be verifiable, coherent and specific. These cases have been documented and analyzed by researchers like Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, etc.


- Reincarnation studies: These studies consist of experiments, surveys, statistics or models that attempt to demonstrate, measure or explain reincarnation from a scientific perspective. These studies are usually based on empirical evidence, mathematical logic, quantum physics or transpersonal psychology. These studies have been conducted and published by researchers such as Charles Tart, Robert Almeder, Ian Lawton, Bruce Greyson, etc.


The Benefits And Challenges Of Reincarnation


Reincarnation is an idea that has profound and far-reaching implications for the understanding of life, death and human destiny. Reincarnation offers benefits and challenges for the person who accepts, explores or experiences it.


Some of these benefits and challenges are:


- The benefit of hope: Reincarnation provides a hope that life does not end with death, but continues in other forms and in other worlds. Reincarnation also provides hope that life has meaning and purpose, which is revealed through the experiences the soul chooses to live. Reincarnation allows one to see life as an opportunity to grow, to learn, to love and to serve.


- The challenge of responsibility: Reincarnation implies a responsibility that each person is the creator of his or her own reality, and that he or she must assume the consequences of his or her actions, both in this life and in other lives. Reincarnation also implies a responsibility that each person has a mission to fulfill, and must do so ethically, consciously and with commitment. Reincarnation demands to see life as a choice, a test, a debt and an offering.


- The benefit of wisdom: Reincarnation brings a wisdom that life is a process of evolution, which involves the development of the potentialities of the human being, both individually and collectively. Reincarnation also brings a wisdom that life is a school, which implies learning the lessons that the soul needs for its perfection. Reincarnation allows one to see life as an adventure, a discovery, a challenge and an opportunity.


- The challenge of liberation: Reincarnation implies a liberation by understanding that life is not determined by destiny, but depends on the will and action of each person. Reincarnation is also a liberation that life is not conditioned by suffering, but can be transformed by compassion and joy. Reincarnation allows us to see life as an expression, a creation, a transformation and a realization.


            If you wish to further expand your study and knowledge on this subject, I recommend my book "Reincarnation: the theory of reincarnation studied from different religions and disciplines". This text explores the concept of reincarnation from various religious, philosophical and esoteric perspectives, as well as its relevance in the modern world. Through several chapters, the reader can learn about the origins, interpretations and implications of the belief in reincarnation, for the application in their own mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. You can find it in printed or digital format, in the main online book sales platforms. I wrote this text as a complement to past life therapy, and it can be consulted by both therapists and clients, or simply curious minds who wish to explore the subject in depth.


(Post by Isis Estrada, March 2024).



Link to the book "Past Life Therapy: Manual and Certification for Therapists":


Link to the book "Reincarnation: the theory of reincarnation studied from various religions and disciplines":

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